Friday, October 2, 2009

Menu Items with Options

While version was officially released yesterday, I continue to struggle to find a decent way to deploy applications to the world. My current host, Wikidot, only allows files up to 10MB in size. The actual Forge application is much much smaller than that, but with all of the OpenGL libraries that are needed, it puts it just a little beyond that limit. If I deploy with Java Web Start, I can link to some online JOGL files, but Wikidot isn't properly configured for Web Start. Perhaps my only real option is to move ahead with SourceForge right away....

Anyway, while that is going on, I'm moving ahead with wrapping up an alpha version of the program. As of right now, the only real feature left to complete is to allow menu items to have specific options that they can configure with a button on the right side of the menu item. Wings' version is shown below:

I've now got that showing up in the menus of The Forge, as shown below:

I still have some code cleanup to do, and I need to wire it to actually work. This is the last feature needed for a working alpha version (for real this time).

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