Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Start on the OBJ Importer

I'm really down to only three major things: some work on the deletion modifiers, box selection, and an OBJ importer. All of these are going to be challenging to pull off and will probably take some time. I've done some work on each of these, so in a sense, you could say that every significant component in The Forge has at least been started on.

Right now, I'm working on the OBJ importer, and making good progress. The geometry is read in and assembled, and you can see in the image below, that this seems to be working. The winged edge data structure isn't being assembled correctly yet, though. I'll need to do some work to determine which edges are adjacent to other edges, and to let each vertex know of an edge that they are adjacent to. Beyond that, I still need to import the material information as well, which will take up a bit more time.

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